With the financial support of JPMorgan Chase & Co., Next Street partnered with Common Future to study the unique economic and social context and the state of play for small business communities in nine cities across the country.
How We Approached the Work
From 2019 – 2020, Next Street partnered with Common Future and local stakeholders to produce a set of small business support and capital ecosystem analyses in select cities across the country.
The objective of the ecosystem analysis in each city was to understand the current state of entrepreneurs of color and their needs for additional or improved services and capital and to identify programs that could be developed and/or amplified to create more equitable outcomes.
The Outcome
Our analyses culminated in six city-level Ecosystem Assessment reports, as well as a final report, Understanding U.S. Small Business Ecosystems, in which we share details of our approach to the analyses, highlight lessons learned and future considerations, and provide insights for communities looking to engage and build their local small business ecosystems.