Emily Jin
Emily JinAccount Manager

Emily is an Account Manager at the Lower Manhattan Business Solutions Center. She holds a degree in International Relations Global Business from the University of Southern California. At the height of the pandemic, she joined the Teach for America corps in Newark, New Jersey as a 6th-grade science teacher. Beyond the science curriculum, she worked to develop an inclusive educational framework that emphasized social and emotional learning in the classroom. Recently, she was awarded a Fulbright grant, which allowed her the opportunity to teach English in Taipei, Taiwan for a year. During this time, she worked towards fostering cross-cultural communication and exchange in her communities.

On working at Next Street

As a former teacher, I am motivated to make direct, meaningful impact in the communities I serve. Growing up in an immigrant Chinese family that built a life in the United States through a small business has provided me firsthand understanding of the challenges and risks involved. I am compelled to join NextStreet to contribute to its mission of promoting equity and offering support to small business owners and their families as they navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship.

Outside of Next Street

Outside of work, Emily enjoys exploring the city, trying new restaurants, picking up new artistic hobbies and attempting to keep her plants alive.

Get to know Emily

  • Foreign languages: Mandarin Chinese