Inclusive Business Recovery Opportunity Center (IBROC) RFP
Over the past year, Next Street has collaborated with the City of Dayton, Ohio to develop a comprehensive Business and Financial plan for the Inclusive Business Recovery Opportunity Center (IBROC). This initiative aims to revitalize Dayton, Ohio companies. IBROC is committed to providing support and resources to untapped entrepreneurs , facilitating their growth and success.
The organization selected for IBROC will be housed within an existing Business Support Organization. This will ensure that it leverages established networks and resources to maximize its impact. In this way, IBROC will realize its mission of supporting untapped entrepreneurs through essential tools and resources, leading to thriving and sustainable businesses for Dayton, Ohio.
As we enter the next phase of the RFP process to identify the right entity to lead IBROC, we have identified key next steps for you:
- Step 1: Register for the Virtual IBROC RFP Info Session happening on August 7th
- Step 2: Review the official RFP Application and Supporting Documents
- Step 3: Submit RFP responses by September 30th at 12pm EST
Key Dates:
August 2nd: RFP released
August 7th: Virtual RFP Info Session (register here)
September 30th 12pm EST: RFP Responses Due
Q1: Will there be a place where potential partners can highlight themselves for connection to other organizations, for potential collaboration?
A: There is no formal place to review potential partners, but we encourage you to leverage your own networks to identify potential partners. As long as the organizations is in good financial and legal standing, you may submit a joint response.
Q2: Will the organization that is chosen be required to report to the Advisory Board on a regular basis? Could you provide more details about the role of this Advisory Board?
A: The Advisory Board will be formed for the IBROC. This Advisory Board is tasked with offering strategic guidance and recommendations and upholding accountability by setting goals. The selected organization will be expected to work closely with and be responsive to this Advisory Board.
Q3: Will any non-profit with 501c status be eligible or specifically only 501c3?
A: All organizations that are in good financial and legal standing are eligible to apply.
Q4: Where can you find the Scope of Work of IBROC and Advisory Board information?
A: The scope of work is described in the RFP itself under portion C. Purpose and Overview of RFP and portion D. Project Description and Objectives. The information around the Advisory Board is also in portion D under “Additional information”.